Types of Trusts

Revocable Living Trust  The living trust, also known as a revocable living trust, is a written legal document similar to a will that sets forth your wishes and plans regarding matters during your life (what happen if I become incapacitated) and upon your death (who will inherit what and when).  Your wishes and plans can …

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What if I Become Incapacitated?

Health Care Directives & Financial Powers of AttorneyA person becomes incapacitated when they are no longer able to make their own financial and/or health care decisions. Incapacity can result from injury, illness, or simply from the aging process .It can happen without warning and when you least expect it. When someone becomes incapacitated, it is …

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Planning for a Loved One with Special Needs

If you have a loved one with special needs, that receives public benefits such as SSI, Medicaid, or Medi-Cal, it is crucial that you plan for the transition of your estate with a Special Needs Trust.  If you were to die and a special needs beneficiary were to inherit a part or all of your …

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Estate Planning for Minor Children

Perhaps people with the most urgent need for estate planning are those who have minor children: Guardianship:  Do you realize that if you do not nominate guardians for your minor children, if something happens to you, the court will appoint a guardian for you?  There is no consideration made for the religion, morals, ethics or …

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Estate Planning for Pets

We have all seen or heard of the estate where the entire fortune is left to Scruffy the dog.  In a case we are working on in our offices, the entire estate was left to “Cujo,” which is not the dog’s real name but it is his real personality.  In our case, the trust provides …

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Estate Planning for Blended Families

His kids, her kids, our kids; unequal wealth… it can all be challenging when we blend our families. And planning, if not done with an expert who understands these issues, can be disastrous! We are skilled at helping blended families navigate the emotionally charged process of planning when someone dies. We ask the questions below …

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Estate & Gift Tax

There are always ways to plan to reduce, or even eliminate Estate Tax (the tax that is due when you die, commonly called “death tax”). In addition, with a proper plan, the use of Gifting can be a powerful tax savings technique. There is, however, a lot of misinformation about this area of the law, …

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How to Leave a Legacy of Love: Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

When your loved ones read your Will or Trust, do they know your heart and soul for them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if when you die, you leave not only your wealth, but your Heart?  Your Wisdom?  Your hopes and dreams for your loved ones? To give you an example, Stacy DenHerder and her husband, …

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